Can humans change energy?

Mere mortals cannot change energy from negative to positive or vice versa. What instruments or measure do humans have anyway to measure energy and proclaim it to be either negative or positive? However, what can be changed is the way we perceive things: negative or positive.

There are lots of explanations about energy: the polarity, the negative, the positive, the movement of energy ... energy is simply energy. We try to compare universal energy to electrical energy where there is a negative and positive, and there is a need for polarity. But the reality of energy is that it just is!

If I turn on a torch light, there is a beam of light. The chemical energy inside the torch battery gets converted to electrical energy which gets converted to heat energy which gets converted to light energy and we get a beam of light. But what happens to that beam of energy when I turn the torch off? It simply goes back into the universe; it goes back into darkness. Darkness is not the absence of light. Rather, it is the total absorption of light.

If you look at something and find it negative, you are the one who is looking at it from a negative lens. It has nothing to do with that thing’s energy; it is all about how you perceive things. If you remove your negative lens and look at everything from a positive approach, nothing will be negative anymore! In fact, look at things neutrally: neither negative nor positive. Do not judge anything or anyone around you. If you do that, then there is no need to change anything anyway.