How is happiness an attitude?

Happiness is not something to be gathered from the outside. Rather, it is something that we develop from within ourselves. The question here is not ‘how is happiness an attitude’. Instead, the question is: Why shouldn’t we be happy? Because happiness is nothing but an attitude!

We don’t realize that happiness is not a ‘thing’ that can be achieved from an external factor. We often try to achieve it through various means. We gather wealth, property, expensive clothes, cars, etc., only to realize that happiness still eludes us. Some of us, when we are not in a state of happiness, turn to religion to find it.

Religion was meant to be a set of guidelines to steer us towards spirituality. Over time, those guidelines were twisted into becoming unbreakable rules, in the form of religious rituals. All these so-called rituals of religion are nothing but a failed attempt of certain people to keep God as their personal property, and to send across a message that the only way for ordinary folks like us to reach God is through the mediation of these individuals. Only when they perform certain rituals, teach us how to break a coconut or how to light a holy lamp in the right manner, will God be pleased with us. And when God is happy, He will then send happiness our way. Sadly, the rituals don’t work and happiness remains elusive.

The bottom line is this: there is no such thing as an unbreakable rule. In fact, rules are made to guide the weak and not to bind the strong. Therefore, our happiness is nowhere but within our own selves. The universe is our benefactor and we are the children of God. We simply need to realize this and ask ourselves the question: Why shouldn’t we be happy!