Can I really afford the luxury of being angry?

Anger is like a fire! When we light a fire we bask in its warmth and illumination, often giving scant attention to the fuel that is consumed and destroyed to generate the warmth and light. When we feel anger we tend to focus on the effects of our anger without thought to the damage it is doing to our psyche and sense of wellbeing. It is small consolation that our anger is righteous or justified, the toll on our happiness too high, yet we even allow ourselves to be persuaded by others to feel anger even if we don't see 'just cause' to be angry.

We allow the fire to burn freely, consuming our happiness until we find recompense or justice (read that as revenge). In the event that vengeance is not obtained, the 'fire' settles down to a glowing ember that slowly but surely turns are sense of wellbeing to ashes. This need to seek revenge demonstrates a weakness of spirit couched in the 'tinfoil' armor better known as un-forgiveness. Countless stories have been written glorifying revenge. This depiction of those hapless weak spirited 'heroes' as being stout of heart and resolute of mind and purpose is the reason we have been conditioned to be un-forgiving.

However, these stories injurious though they be, must definitely have some source of authentication, making it 'right' so to speak. From childhood we are threatened with dire punishment and retribution for our 'sins'. Let us be clear, that it is NOT the Divine, but religion that is intolerant and un-forgiving. In the final equation, let us be strong of spirit and quench the glowing embers of our grudges that come from un-forgiveness.