Is a vision to achieve something conscious or unconscious?

Whether it is a vision or a dream, why do we need to ‘achieve’? Just do!

Because when we have a vision or a dream to achieve something, we have already set a target, and we’ve started to create a box which defines what we have to do. Next, we set ourselves a time limit to do that thing. So we’ve got the pressure of a goal to achieve, and the stress to achieve it on time.

Isn’t it better to simply give everything our best effort and to know that the result, whatever it may be, will be the best! Instead, we say ‘that’ should be the result and we start to work backwards towards it, creating immense pressure on ourselves. Maybe we are not meant to get ‘there’. We’ll achieve what we have to, no matter what. We must simply put in our best effort and have no expectation towards the result.

For example, why do we need to study just before an exam? What truly is an exam? An exam is a test to see what we have remembered from class, and not what we have learnt just 6 hours before. Because if we have learnt it 6 hours before, we will forget it 6 hours later. So the whole purpose is lost. But if we are able to focus and concentrate in the classroom and remember what we are taught, we will know everything that we need to know when we take the exam.

So instead of creating a time frame and an expectation of what the result ought to be, let’s simply do!