Why are we always filled with doubts and questions?

We tend to live in our physical, emotional and mental selves, and are therefore constantly dealing with the outcomes of the choices we make. This, in turn, leads us to doubt those very choices.

The Roman philosopher Stoic said: ‘That you ask a question means that you doubt.’ Stoic lived in the time of Emperor Nero who was not fond of the local philosophers living in his kingdom. As a means to insult them, he used to ask them to participate in plays, and they often had to take on the roles of the clown or the court jester. During the performances, people would laugh at them and not take the philosophers seriously thereafter. In case the philosophers refused to act in the plays, the emperor would have them executed. So one philosopher came to Stoic and asked him: ‘If Nero asks you to act in the play, will you or won’t you?’ Stoic answered: ‘The fact that you ask the question means you will act in the play.’

The moral of the story is that if we discard the three selves of the mind, body and heart, and learn to exist in the spirit and be guided by our spiritual self, we will not have doubts or questions. The intelligence of the universe is all-knowing and thereby all that comes our way is within our capacity. When there are no doubts and questions, it is an ideal situation because then there is no need for answers.  What answers do we need anyway when we are enveloped in divine energy!