Whispers of Wisdom

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Why do I constantly choose fear over faith?

"Do not face the uncertainties of life by hiding behind the petticoat of fear, for it will suffocate you.

Face the future with faith and you will find there is nothing to be uncertain of" 

- Divine Inspiration, April 30, 2021

When faced with uncertainty, our first reaction is anxiety, or worse still, fear. No matter our age, we behave no different from a child hiding behind the mother when faced with potential or imagined danger. In fact, the more intelligent we become, the greater and more fertile the imagination, hence, the greater the fear.

Fear is our first 'refuge' in times of threat, yet fear itself is a luxury that we cannot afford. Fear causes us to act irrationally by taking desperate measures to protect ourselves. The reality is, fear is a product of our mind, it does not come from outside sources. Resorting to fear is like sitting on a runaway horse and being blind to the fact that there are reins dangling in front of us. Those reins are our faith.

Faith is a certainty that the Universe is there to build bridges over the chasms that we encounter in the course of our lives, that it will give us wings to fly over the mountains that lie in our path. This 'knowing' or certainty comes from ignoring our mind and leaving full governance to our spirit.

Fear is like a paper umbrella in the rain, faith is being in command of the cloud.