Whispers of Wisdom

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Are random thoughts and feelings feel-good factors?

A lot of people do many things which are random. Even while drinking a cup of coffee, instead of relishing every bit of it, the mind wanders off to completely random feelings and random thoughts by the second sip.

Supposing I am making a table, and I am cutting wood for it. I follow a line while using the cutter. It is absolutely deliberate because I can’t be random or I will cut my own finger. So that helps with focusing on the job at hand.

Now if I am driving, which is by reflex because I have been driving for so many years, it is very easy for me to indulge in random thoughts. Since I am inside the car, cocooned from the outside climate because of the air conditioner, and I am listening to music, some sad song triggers off a sad memory and everything begins to go downhill. I don’t even have the energy to change the music to a happy song. In this way, I am hurting myself all the time by thinking of something random.

Instead, why can’t I be deliberate and play a happy song that will bring about happy thoughts. In this process of deliberation, I am linking the good things of life. The problem happens when I go random and remember the negative things.

We can’t help ourselves from thinking thoughts, but when we are deliberate, we can. So let’s consciously look for happy things and we will find them all along. In all the so-called unpleasant situations of life, there is bound to be something which is actually quite humorous.

And this happens once we start to resonate with the frequency of the universe; then it is a constant. We walk into a room and everything begins to feel good because we are inhaling the vibrations that are present and exhaling back the resonance of the universe. We are processing the energy of the room and being a generator of that vibration which is the universal frequency.