Whispers of Wisdom

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How important is it to find a soulmate?

The question to ask is: Why do you need a soulmate? Your spirit is the same spirit which is in everybody else. When there are 7 billion people on this planet, how is it possible to choose one person and say that you would like to be together for the rest of your lives.

Let’s say that you link your entire life and fortunes to one person who you call your soulmate. One day if you find out that your soulmate was projecting an image which made you think he/she was your soulmate and there is a completely different person behind that image, then your whole world comes crashing down when you realize that the person is not really your soulmate after all.

So let go; don’t try to link your whole life to one person. The whole universe is there waiting for you. If a relationship doesn’t work out, it frees you from selfishness. Because a relationship means you and your soulmate are in exclusion of others. That is such narrow consciousness. And if the two people in a relationship cannot be in sync with the universe, then they also cannot be in sync with themselves.

Most relationships are all about deception. We deceive because we project an image of that which we are not. But if we can be what we project we are, then those who see us will know that what they see is what they get. Then there is no deception.

And without deception, we are all the same: within as well as with out. Because the same spirit that is in me is the one that is in you, too.