Whispers of Wisdom

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What is negativity?

There is nothing that is negative other than our own perception. We perceive situations to be negative; we perceive people to be negative; we perceive the world to be negative; we perceive everything to be negative. The reality is that the only thing that is negative is us.

We need to realize that the whole world is our playground. We can either perceive things to be negative, or we can continue to have fun while playing in the playground. The choice is entirely ours!

The trick to never feel negative is to learn to expand the crown chakra … so much so that one is always moving around in a column of divine energy. The column should be so wide that we are able to share the energy with those around us, engulfing them completely. The other person need not even be aware of the column of energy. They will simply begin to feel good by merely being in our company. No need to offer them healing; even an exchange of words is not required. However, we first need to learn to expand our own crown chakra before reaching out to others.

The way to do that is to rid ourselves of the emotional, mental and physical selves, and to live in the spiritual self. And the way to that is to Just Be!