Whispers of Wisdom

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How do we resonate with the Universal frequency?

The harmony of the Universe is constant. It is our resonance that keeps changing with our emotions, our physical self and our mental being, which is why we cannot resonate in harmony with the Universe.

The Universe is like a giant tuning fork resonating at a particular frequency. Our mind tells us that we should resonate at our own frequency, depending on how big or small our ego is. The day we stop relying on our mind is the day we will resonate in harmony with the Universe.

Our emotions tell us what frequency to resonate on, depending on how we are feeling at the moment—if the weather is clement or inclement; if the people around us are suitable or unsuitable; or if the situation is to our liking or not. We keep changing your frequency, and cannot resonate with the Universal Frequency.

When we stop living in our five senses is when we shall resonate with the Frequency of the Universe. Let us use our minds and intelligence to merely form the words that the Universe speaks. Let us use our hearts only to feel the feelings that the Universe feels. That is how we will resonate with the Frequency of the Universe.

Let us say to ourselves: ‘Let me be another prong in the tuning fork and increase the volume of resonance.’ If each of us resonates like the prongs of a tuning fork, that resonance will permeate more people and they will start to resonate with the Frequency of the Universe. The collective Frequency will be so overpowering that eventually the whole Universe and all the individuals in the Universe will resonate with this Frequency.